A New Approach to New Year's Resolutions
The new year offers a chance for reflection and goal-setting, but instead of traditional resolutions driven by pressure, let’s focus on consistent, happiness-oriented actions that can lead to lasting positive change.
Overcome the effects of sitting
One of the fascinating things about the human body is our ability to complete amazing movements. However, through time, as most of us gradually shift towards desk-based jobs, we often find ourselves sitting for long periods of time.
Advice from the Phase 1 team
We know the ups and downs of motivation, the highs of hitting PBs, the lows of injuries and the learning curves of making mistakes. Here are some of the lessons we’ve learned along the way…
What you didn’t know about Magnesium
Magnesium deficiency can lead to a host of health issues, so here’s why you need to start paying attention to magnesium.
No matter how well-structured and detailed your program may be, sometimes things just don’t go according to plan. Auto-regulating your training is a great alternative to your conventional training style.
Are you using a device to track your heart rate during your workouts? If not, you could be missing out on an incredibly valuable tool. Remove the guesswork and track your body’s response to exercise to help you dial into your training, and get better results!
The WHY and HOW of Building Muscle
Studies have revealed the strong association muscle mass has with positive health outcomes. It can reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases, increase your bone density, improve your metabolic health, and even increase your lifespan.
Heat Therapy
As soon as you try our Infrared Sauna, you’ll understand how GOOD it feels… In addition to just feeling good, the infrared light is actually providing you with a whole host of health benefits while you’re sitting there soaking it in!
Exercise for Health & Longevity
I’m sure you have heard about how exercise is beneficial for us (hence why we do it). Although this is true, have we ever thought about the various types of exercises that exist, and how they each play an integral role in improving our longevity and health.
Our top 6 supplements
A lot of nutrients are easy to get through whole foods, however, some vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal health are tricky to get just through food. That’s when supplements come in handy!
To stretch or not to stretch
Most of us were taught to stretch before and after exercising as part of our routines because it’s ‘important’ to do so. Many of us were just told to stretch without giving much thought to how, why and the type of stretches to perform.
How to Structure your workout
We know stepping into the gym for the first time can be overwhelming… so much equipment, so many different options… How do I know what to do?
Resistance Band Exercises
Resistance bands are great for workouts at home or taking travelling. They are an affordable and effective piece of equipment that allow you to tone and strengthen your whole body. Here are some exercises to get you started.
Foam Rolling
Learn how you can use foam rolling to reduce injury risk, improve your daily function in both life and the gym, and enhance recovery.
Super Sleepers
‘If you could bottle up and sell sleep you would be the richest person alive.’
There are hundreds of scientific studies exploring the relationship between sleep and human performance.
Maintain Happy Knees
It’s one of the most common complaints we hear in the gym - ‘I can’t do lunges, they hurt my knees!’ So if you’ve said this or something similar, we hear you and you are not alone!
Why You Need Strength Training (and how to do it)
Let’s talk about Strength Training… What is it? Find out why you should do it, and how!
Your core might be what’s holding you back…
Your core is your foundation, and you’d never build your dream house on toothpicks.
Phase 1. What’s next?
Meet Jess, owner of Phase 1 Performance and find out why she believes going to the gym is about more than just exercise.