What you didn’t know about Magnesium


Written by Molly Roper

When it comes to essential vitamins you think about including in your diet, magnesium might not spring to mind at the top of your list. However, this mineral plays a vital role in various bodily functions. It is essential for bone health, brain health, and muscle function. Many of us are not getting enough through our diet, and a magnesium deficiency can lead to a host of health issues. So here’s why you need to start paying attention to magnesium! 


Research has shown higher magnesium intake is related to improved sleep.  And we all should know - better sleep is the secret to better health! So anything that improves your sleep is a big win. 

Stress and Anxiety

Also related to sleep, magnesium plays a key role in regulating the body's stress-response system. GABA is the neurotransmitter that calms the nervous system, and magnesium binds to the GABA receptors, making it an excellent natural remedy for managing stress and anxiety. Low magnesium levels have been linked to increased feelings of tension and anxiety.

Athletic Performance and Recovery

Our muscles need magnesium to be able to contract, so a deficiency could lead to reduced muscle function and therefore affect your performance in the gym or in your sport. Also, if you’re someone that struggles to recover after an intense workout, magnesium can assist in recovery and relief from sore muscles. 

Including a high amount of magnesium-rich food like chia seeds, avocado, almonds and dark leafy greens can meet your daily requirements. A healthy, whole-food diet that gets in all your micronutrients is always recommended. However, if you’re finding it difficult to get enough magnesium-rich foods consistently, supplementation is a great solution to ensure you’re getting enough!

Supplementation is also a good option when using magnesium to improve sleep, as you can get a higher amount (200-300mg) in one hit, which would be difficult to get from food. 

Speak to our friends at Ivanhoe Health Store for the best type of magnesium supplement for you!


Advice from the Phase 1 team 
