What kind of training is for you?
Written by Molly Roper
Every person is unique. We have different bodies, we have different personalities, we have different motivations. So why should we all train the same?
The foundations for fitness are fairly universal. Lift weights to get stronger, elevate your heart rate to get fitter. Do these things often, and consistently, and you’ll see and feel the benefits! But HOW you do these things is entirely up to you. There is no perfect way to train, which is why we offer a range of options at Phase 1, to ensure you can find a fitness regime that works for you.
Not a morning person? That’s ok! A 6am training session might not be your thing, why not book in a 5.30pm session straight after work? Don’t like running? There are endless other options for a good cardio workout! If running isn’t for you, come and try a spin class, jump on the rower, take on the stair climber, or swing a kettlebell!
Lacking motivation to do a workout on your own? Book a Personal Training session… It’s a great way to stay accountable, and all you have to do is show up! We’ll be here to guide you through the session and make sure you’re getting the most out of it.
There are no absolutes. So next time you read a headline telling you ‘this is the ONLY workout you need to do’ or somebody tells you ‘the BEST exercise’, remember that in reality, the best form of exercise is the one that works for YOU. That could be a 30 minute walk on a Monday, a group fitness class on a Tuesday, a PT session on a Wednesday, and so on…
In fact, if we had to recommend the ‘best’ way to train, we’d say doing a variety of everything we offer at Phase 1 would be an excellent, well-rounded training program.
Let us give you just 2 rules to stick to:
Challenge yourself. We need to stress our bodies in order for them to respond and adapt. So whatever form of training you’re doing, make sure it’s challenging you!
Enjoy yourself! The only way to make fitness a consistent part of your life is to find something that you enjoy. That way you’ll do it often, and you won’t have to force yourself to get it done. A key point to remember here is that you may not enjoy every single workout (in fact you might hate it at the time…) but it’s the feeling you get AFTER the workout that counts!! And believe it or not, the harder the workout, the better you feel!
Follow those 2 rules, then choose your training to fit your lifestyle and your goals. If you need help from us, book in for a consultation with our Personal Trainers.